
Py6S is free software, and I (the author) have many other demands on my time. I will, however, try to provide reasonable levels of support for problems people may have using Py6S.

Alternatively, paid support is available via my freelance business - see for details.

Before asking for help

Please do the following - it'll save us all time!

If you still need some help then please post to the Py6S mailing list, and I'll try and get back to you as soon as possible. If you're having trouble running some Py6S code then please include your code in the email, as well as the output of the s.produce_debug_report() function, which will give me information that should help me diagnose your problem.

Feature Requests, and other Py6S-related discussion, are welcome on the group - but I can't guarantee that I will implement the requested features. If you fancy extending the Py6S code yourself then I'm more than happy to merge in your changes.